Cleanup covered by national media
April 5, 2022
Sunday cleanup in Fælledparken was covered by a national newspaper called Berlingske Tidende.
Awareness is very important for the cause to grow in the minds of more and more people.
The journalist focused on my wish to change our habbits and culture, working on normalizing picking up litter when ever you see it and no matter who dropped it, on the need of bird-proof garbage bins, and the necessity of collaboration between the authorities and the volunteers to succeed, although it was a little weak on my points on this issue.
Cleanup Fælledparken 3.0 the 27th of March
March 27, 2022
Plog and Play hosted our monthly cleanup in a big park: Fælledparken. A stunning approximately 50 volunteers showed up and participated in relieving the park from 137,8 kg of litter.
Among the litter were a large flat screen TV, laptop, bicycle battery, keyboard, frying pan, bicycle luggage carrier, car tire, two shopping baskets, shopping cart, two chairs, about 213 disposable cups , about 104 cans and a lot of mixed litter, mainly plastic.

Prototype #3 expected mid May
March 26, 2022
Due to a mistake at the production company the delivery of my prototype #3 2 in 1 running vest and plogging bag has been postponed.
It is now expected in mid May 2022 and I cross my fingers and everything else in hope of the prototype to be so close to the final product that I can use it for production of instructional videos and photo series for my coming crowdfunding campaign.
Cleanup Fælledparken 2.0 the 27th of February 10-13
February 16, 2022
Plog and Play hosts monthly cleanups in 2022 to clear a big park: Fælledparken, for garbage together with other volunteers.
The purpose is to change the culture by normalizing litterpicking, to create awareness about plasticpollution, to keep the litter from entering our oceans and to prevent it from degrading to unmanageable microplastics.

Prototype #3 in process
February 16, 2022
Yesterday, I sent corrections for the industrial drawings for the Plog and Play 2 in 1 running vest and garbage bag, named: The Giraffe.
Plog and Play cooperate with Lime ApS and Superstainable that are very experienced in the textile industry, especially when it comes to sustainability. Leaning against their experience and production chain, I can´t get any more sustainable as it is at the moment.
I expect to receive the prototype #3 within one or two months.