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Just how the war kicked off came out of the rapid disappearance of the Elves (as they are basically described in the eponymous fantasy series), in the real world. The Tolkiens set out to tell the epic of the downfall of the beautiful and enchanted Elves of the ancient world in three books, “The Hobbit” being the first and “The Lord of the Rings” being the second. Tolkien called this third book the “Silmarillion”, a long and colorful tale of the war of the Valar, the first of the Ainur, a race much older than the Elves, with the Valar of light later dominating the other Valar of such names as Melkor, Morgoth, Tulkas and Hurin.
The thing about the Battle of the Black River (known to Elves as the Fords of Isen) is that it happened before the confrontation between Sauron and Sauron created the One Ring. It is Tolkien’s explanation for Tolkien’s Gandalf’s statement during the film. Gandalf said, “”when Sauron forged the One Ring, the only thing that remained in Middle Earth was Isengard.”
whilst the fellowship of men may have much in common with that of the Elves, there their ways are very different, and their means entirely different, and if you are unconvinced I confess that the most effective way of convincing a reademonger of this may be to point out the basic fact of difference.
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