Twitter Will Now Let You Add Pictures, GIFs, And Videos To RTs ((HOT))
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/********************************************************************** #### Twitter Post Fetcher v18.0.3 ####* Coded by Jason Mayes 2015. A present to all the developers out there.** Please keep this disclaimer with my code if you use it. Thanks. :-)* Got feedback or questions, ask here:* * Github: -Post-Fetcher* Updates will be posted to this site.*********************************************************************/(function(root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define([], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but // only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, // like Node. module.exports = factory(); } else { // Browser globals. factory(); }}(this, function() { var domNode = ''; var maxTweets = 20; var parseLinks = true; var queue = []; var inProgress = false; var printTime = true; var printUser = true; var formatterFunction = null; var supportsClassName = true; var showRts = true; var customCallbackFunction = null; var showInteractionLinks = true; var showImages = true; var useEmoji = true; var targetBlank = true; var lang = 'en'; var permalinks = true; var dataOnly = false; var script = null; var scriptAdded = false; function handleTweets(tweets){ if (customCallbackFunction === null) { var x = tweets.length; var n = 0; var element = document.getElementById(domNode); var html = ''; while(n < x) { html += '' + tweets[n] + ''; n++; } html += ''; element.innerHTML = html; } else { customCallbackFunction(tweets); } } function strip(data) { return data.replace(/]*>(.*)/gi, function(a,s){return s;}) .replace(/class=\"(!(tco-hiddentco-displaytco-ellipsis))+.*\"data-query-source=\".*\"dir=\".*\"rel=\".*\"/gi, ''); } function targetLinksToNewWindow(el) { var links = el.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i = links.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { links[i].setAttribute('target', '_blank'); links[i].setAttribute('rel', 'noopener'); } } function getElementsByClassName (node, classname) { var a = []; var regex = new RegExp('(^ )' + classname + '( $)'); var elems = node.getElementsByTagName('*'); for (var i = 0, j = elems.length; i < j; i++) { if(regex.test(elems[i].className)){ a.push(elems[i]); } } return a; } function extractImagesUrl(image_data) { if (image_data !== undefined && image_data.innerHTML.indexOf('data-image') >= 0) { var data_src = image_data.innerHTML.match(/data-image=\\\"([^\"]+)\\\"/ig); for (var i = 0; i < data_src.length; i++) { data_src[i] = data_src[i].match(/data-image=\\\"([^\"]+)\\\"/i)[1]; data_src[i] = decodeURIComponent(data_src[i]) + '.jpg'; } return data_src; } } var twitterFetcher = { fetch: function(config) { if (config.maxTweets === undefined) { config.maxTweets = 20; } if (config.enableLinks === undefined) { config.enableLinks = true; } if (config.showUser === undefined) { config.showUser = true; } if (config.showTime === undefined) { config.showTime = true; } if (config.dateFunction === undefined) { config.dateFunction = 'default'; } if (config.showRetweet === undefined) { config.showRetweet = true; } if (config.customCallback === undefined) { config.customCallback = null; } if (config.showInteraction === undefined) { config.showInteraction = true; } if (config.showImages === undefined) { config.showImages = false; } if (config.useEmoji === undefined) { config.useEmoji = false; } if (config.linksInNewWindow === undefined) { config.linksInNewWindow = true; } if (config.showPermalinks === undefined) { config.showPermalinks = true; } if (config.dataOnly === undefined) { config.dataOnly = false; } if (inProgress) { queue.push(config); } else { inProgress = true; domNode = config.domId; maxTweets = config.maxTweets; parseLinks = config.enableLinks; printUser = config.showUser; printTime = config.showTime; showRts = config.showRetweet; formatterFunction = config.dateFunction; customCallbackFunction = config.customCallback; showInteractionLinks = config.showInteraction; showImages = config.showImages;useEmoji = config.useEmoji; targetBlank = config.linksInNewWindow; permalinks = config.showPermalinks; dataOnly = config.dataOnly; var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if (script !== null) { head.removeChild(script); } script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; if (config.list !== undefined) { script.src = ' ' + 'callback=__twttrf.callback&dnt=false&list_slug=' + config.list.listSlug + '&screen_name=' + config.list.screenName + '&suppress_response_codes=true&lang=' + (config.lang lang) + '&rnd=' + Math.random(); } else if (config.profile !== undefined) { script.src = ' ' + 'callback=__twttrf.callback&dnt=false' + '&screen_name=' + config.profile.screenName + '&suppress_response_codes=true&lang=' + (config.lang lang) + '&rnd=' + Math.random(); } else if (config.likes !== undefined) { script.src = ' ' + 'callback=__twttrf.callback&dnt=false' + '&screen_name=' + config.likes.screenName + '&suppress_response_codes=true&lang=' + (config.lang lang) + '&rnd=' + Math.random(); } else { script.src = ' ' + + '&lang=' + (config.lang lang) + '&callback=__twttrf.callback&' + 'suppress_response_codes=true&rnd=' + Math.random(); } head.appendChild(script); } }, callback: function(data) { if (data === undefined data.body === undefined) { inProgress = false; if (queue.length > 0) { twitterFetcher.fetch(queue[0]); queue.splice(0,1); } return; } // Remove emoji and summary card images. if(!useEmoji){ data.body = data.body.replace(/(]*>)/g, ''); } // Remove display images. if (!showImages) { data.body = data.body.replace(/(]*>))/g, ''); } // Remove avatar images. if (!printUser) { data.body = data.body.replace(/(]*>)/g, ''); } var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = data.body; if (typeof(div.getElementsByClassName) === 'undefined') { supportsClassName = false; } function swapDataSrc(element) { var avatarImg = element.getElementsByTagName('img')[0]; if (avatarImg) { avatarImg.src = avatarImg.getAttribute('data-src-2x'); } else { var screenName = element.getElementsByTagName('a')[0] .getAttribute('href').split('')[1]; var img = document.createElement('img'); img.setAttribute('src', ' ' + screenName + '/profile_imagesize=bigger'); element.prepend(img); } return element; } var tweets = []; var authors = []; var times = []; var images = []; var rts = []; var tids = []; var permalinksURL = []; var x = 0; if (supportsClassName) { var tmp = div.getElementsByClassName('timeline-Tweet'); while (x < tmp.length) { if (tmp[x].getElementsByClassName('timeline-Tweet-retweetCredit').length > 0) { rts.push(true); } else { rts.push(false); } if (!rts[x] rts[x] && showRts) { tweets.push(tmp[x].getElementsByClassName('timeline-Tweet-text')[0]); tids.push(tmp[x].getAttribute('data-tweet-id')); if (printUser) { authors.push(swapDataSrc(tmp[x].getElementsByClassName('timeline-Tweet-author')[0])); } times.push(tmp[x].getElementsByClassName('dt-updated')[0]); permalinksURL.push(tmp[x].getElementsByClassName('timeline-Tweet-timestamp')[0]); if (tmp[x].getElementsByClassName('timeline-Tweet-media')[0] !== undefined) { images.push(tmp[x].getElementsByClassName('timeline-Tweet-media')[0]); } else { images.push(undefined); } } x++; } } else { var tmp = getElementsByClassName(div, 'timeline-Tweet'); while (x < tmp.length) { if (getElementsByClassName(tmp[x], 'timeline-Tweet-retweetCredit').length > 0) { rts.push(true); } else { rts.push(false); } if (!rts[x] rts[x] && showRts) { tweets.push(getElementsByClassName(tmp[x], 'timeline-Tweet-text')[0]); tids.push(tmp[x].getAttribute('data-tweet-id')); if (printUser) { authors.push(swapDataSrc(getElementsByClassName(tmp[x],'timeline-Tweet-author')[0])); } times.push(getElementsByClassName(tmp[x], 'dt-updated')[0]); permalinksURL.push(getElementsByClassName(tmp[x], 'timeline-Tweet-timestamp')[0]); if (getElementsByClassName(tmp[x], 'timeline-Tweet-media')[0] !== undefined) { images.push(getElementsByClassName(tmp[x], 'timeline-Tweet-media')[0]); } else { images.push(undefined); } } x++; } } if (tweets.length > maxTweets) { tweets.splice(maxTweets, (tweets.length - maxTweets)); authors.splice(maxTweets, (authors.length - maxTweets)); times.splice(maxTweets, (times.length - maxTweets)); rts.splice(maxTweets, (rts.length - maxTweets)); images.splice(maxTweets, (images.length - maxTweets)); permalinksURL.splice(maxTweets, (permalinksURL.length - maxTweets)); } var arrayTweets = []; var x = tweets.length; var n = 0; if (dataOnly) { while (n < x) { arrayTweets.push({ tweet: tweets[n].innerHTML, author: authors[n] authors[n].innerHTML : 'Unknown Author', author_data: { profile_url: authors[n] authors[n].querySelector('[data-scribe=\"element:user_link\"]').href : null, profile_image: authors[n] ' ' + authors[n].querySelector('[data-scribe=\"element:screen_name\"]').title.split('@')[1] + '/profile_imagesize=bigger' : null, profile_image_2x: authors[n] ' ' + authors[n].querySelector('[data-scribe=\"element:screen_name\"]').title.split('@')[1] + '/profile_imagesize=original' : null, screen_name: authors[n] authors[n].querySelector('[data-scribe=\"element:screen_name\"]').title : null, name: authors[n] authors[n].querySelector('[data-scribe=\"element:name\"]').title : null }, time: times[n].textContent, timestamp: times[n].getAttribute('datetime').replace('+0000', 'Z').replace(/([\\+\\-])(\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)/, '$1$2:$3'), image: (extractImagesUrl(images[n]) extractImagesUrl(images[n])[0] : undefined), images: extractImagesUrl(images[n]), rt: rts[n], tid: tids[n], permalinkURL: (permalinksURL[n] === undefined) '' : permalinksURL[n].href }); n++; } } else { while (n < x) { if (typeof(formatterFunction) !== 'string') { var datetimeText = times[n].getAttribute('datetime'); var newDate = new Date(times[n].getAttribute('datetime') .replace(/-/g,'/').replace('T', ' ').split('+')[0]); var dateString = formatterFunction(newDate, datetimeText); times[n].setAttribute('aria-label', dateString); if (tweets[n].textContent) { // IE hack. if (supportsClassName) { times[n].textContent = dateString; } else { var h = document.createElement('p'); var t = document.createTextNode(dateString); h.appendChild(t); h.setAttribute('aria-label', dateString); times[n] = h; } } else { times[n].textContent = dateString; } } var op = ''; if (parseLinks) { if (targetBlank) { targetLinksToNewWindow(tweets[n]); if (printUser) { targetLinksToNewWindow(authors[n]); } } if (printUser) { op += '' + strip(authors[n].innerHTML) + ''; } op += '' + strip(tweets[n].innerHTML) + ''; if (printTime) { if (permalinks) { op += '' + times[n].getAttribute('aria-label') + ''; } else { op += '' + times[n].getAttribute('aria-label') + ''; } } } else { if (tweets[n].textContent) { if (printUser) { op += '' + authors[n].textContent + ''; } op += '' + tweets[n].textContent + ''; if (printTime) { op += '' + times[n].textContent + ''; } } else { if (printUser) { op += '' + authors[n].textContent + ''; } op += '' + tweets[n].textContent + ''; if (printTime) { op += '' + times[n].textContent + ''; } } } if (showInteractionLinks) { op += '' : '>') + '' : '>') + '' + '' : '>') + ''; } if (showImages && images[n] !== undefined && extractImagesUrl(images[n]) !== undefined) { var extractedImages = extractImagesUrl(images[n]); for (var i = 0; i < extractedImages.length; i++) { op += '' + '' + ''; } } if (showImages) { arrayTweets.push(op); } else if (!showImages && tweets[n].textContent.length) { arrayTweets.push(op); } n++; } } handleTweets(arrayTweets); inProgress = false; if (queue.length > 0) { twitterFetcher.fetch(queue[0]); queue.splice(0,1); } } }; // It must be a global variable because it will be called by JSONP. window.__twttrf = twitterFetcher; window.twitterFetcher = twitterFetcher; return twitterFetcher;}));// Prepend polyfill for IE/Edge.(function (arr) { arr.forEach(function (item) { if (item.hasOwnProperty('prepend')) { return; } Object.defineProperty(item, 'prepend', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: function prepend() { var argArr =, docFrag = document.createDocumentFragment(); argArr.forEach(function (argItem) { var isNode = argItem instanceof Node; docFrag.appendChild(isNode argItem : document.createTextNode(String(argItem))); }); this.insertBefore(docFrag, this.firstChild); } }); });})([Element.prototype, Document.prototype, DocumentFragment.prototype]);/** * ### HOW TO CREATE A VALID ID TO USE: ### * Go to and sign in as normal, go to your settings page. * Go to \"Widgets\" on the left hand side. * Create a new widget for what you need eg \"user time line\" or \"search\" etc. * Feel free to check \"exclude replies\" if you don't want replies in results. * Now go back to settings page, and then go back to widgets page and * you should see the widget you just created. Click edit. * Look at the URL in your web browser, you will see a long number like this: * 345735908357048478 * Use this as your ID below instead! *//** * How to use TwitterFetcher's fetch function: * * @function fetch(object) Fetches the Twitter content according to * the parameters specified in object. * * @param object {Object} An object containing case sensitive key-value pairs * of properties below. * * You may specify at minimum the following two required properties: * * @param {string} The ID of the Twitter widget you wish * to grab data from (see above for how to generate this number). * @param object.domId {string} The ID of the DOM element you want * to write results to. * * You may also specify one or more of the following optional properties * if you desire: * * @param object.maxTweets [int] The maximum number of tweets you want * to return. Must be a number between 1 and 20. Default value is 20. * @param object.enableLinks [boolean] Set false if you don't want * urls and hashtags to be hyperlinked. * @param object.showUser [boolean] Set false if you don't want user * photo / name for tweet to show. * @param object.showTime [boolean] Set false if you don't want time of tweet * to show. * @param object.dateFunction [function] A function you can specify * to format date/time of tweet however you like. This function takes * a JavaScript date as a parameter and returns a String representation * of that date. * @param object.showRetweet [boolean] Set false if you don't want retweets * to show. * @param object.customCallback [function] A function you can specify * to call when data are ready. It also passes data to this function * to manipulate them yourself before outputting. If you specify * this parameter you must output data yourself! * @param object.showInteraction [boolean] Set false if you don't want links * for reply, retweet and favourite to show. * @param object.showImages [boolean] Set true if you want images from tweet * to show. * @param object.lang [string] The abbreviation of the language you want to use * for Twitter phrases like \"posted on\" or \"time ago\". Default value * is \"en\" (English). */var configProfile = { profile: { screenName: \"toongif\" }, domId: \"example1\", maxTweets: 5, enableLinks: true, showUser: true, showTime: true, showImages: true, lang: \"en\", showInteraction: true};twitterFetcher.fetch(configProfile);/* * Example style!* You can do whatever the hell you want on your site :-)*/h2 { clear:both;}p, a { margin:10px 0 0 0; color: #FFF; text-decoration:none; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;}a, a:visited { color: #63b7e5; text-decoration:none;}a:hover { color:#82afff;}ul { position: relative; display: inline-flex;}ul li { list-style:none; overflow:hidden; margin:0px 20px; max-width:300px; width: 300px; display:inline-block; text-align: left; vertical-align:top; background-color: #417abd; display: flex; flex-direction: column;}ul li:hover { /*background-color:#f0f3fb;*/}.user, .tweet, .timePosted { float:left;}.user { width:100%; color: #FFF; padding:10px; background-color:#396aa5;}.user a { color:#FFF;}.tweet { padding:20px; line-height: 1.65em; font-size:1em; flex: 1;}.timePosted { padding: 0px 20px; font-size: 1em; text-transform: uppercase; text-decoration: none; /* flex: 41;*/ margin: 0 auto;}.user a { width: 100px;}.user span span { display:block; float: left; width: 180px}.user img, .user a > span { float:left;}.user div { /*clear: left; */ margin: 5px 10px 0px 10px; float: left; font-size: 1em; width:180px}.interact { float:left; width:100%; margin: 20px 0px; text-align:center;}.interact a { margin: 0px 30px; display: inline-block; }.user a > span { margin-left:10px;}.media img { width:100%; max-width:100%; vertical-align: bottom; max-height:200px;}#linkage { position:fixed; top:0px; right:0px; background-color:#3d3d3d; color:#ffffff; text-decoration:none; padding:5px; width:10%; font-family:arial;}.twitter_reply_icon:before{ content:\"\\f075\"; display:block; font-family: FontAwesome;}.twitter_retweet_icon:before{ content:\"\\f079\"; display:block; font-family: FontAwesome;}.twitter_fav_icon:before{ content:\"\\f004\"; display:block; font-family: FontAwesome;} 153554b96e