Regularly Boys Updated HD Video Clips Feature! ##BEST##
So many kids love watching videos on YouTube, it seemed like a slam dunk for Google to create a special app specifically for the online video service's youngest fans. And while YouTube Kids offers a colorful, easy-to-navigate environment, a wide range of high-quality videos, parental controls, and fun features for kids, it's been dogged by concerns over its advertising, branded content, and inappropriate clips slipping through the curation process. So is YouTube Kids right for kids -- or not
Since there are regular updates, the channels and videos are subject to change. \"Shows\" features clips and full episodes of popular children's programming (like Winnie the Pooh and Thomas and Friends); \"Music\" clips include classic and contemporary kids' songs. The \"Learning\" section includes access to education-focused clips from sources including Khan Academy, PBS Kids, and TED-Ed, and the \"Explore\" section features a sprawling range of user-created content, toy-related videos (including many \"unboxing\" clips), and a more random array of kid-friendly content, as well as channels created by brands such as McDonald's. According to the 2020 research report from Common Sense Media, most of the videos kids watch are primarily entertainment, not educational content.
There is some demographic variation in the types of content teens say they post to social media. Girls are much more likely than boys to post selfies: Six-in-ten girls say they often or sometimes do this, compared with 30% of boys. And while two-thirds of black teens and about half (51%) of Hispanic teens report regularly sharing selfies on social media, that share drops to 39% among white youth. Black teens are also much more likely than whites to say they at least sometimes post things they want to go viral (41% vs. 25%).
Technically, no. Google Classroom is not a stand-alone learning management system (LMS), course management system (CMS), or student information system (SIS). That said, Google regularly adds new functions to Google Classroom. As of April 2021, Google Classroom can sync data with the Skyward 2.0 and Infinite Campus student information systems. According to Google, more SIS integrations currently are being piloted or are in development. As Google continues to add features, it may start to look, and function, more like an LMS. But for now it's best to think of the tool as a one-stop shop for class organization.
The platform has been updated quite a bit since its launch, and Google continues to introduce new features regularly, often based on feedback from teachers. For example, grades, rubrics, and Google Meet integration all are features that were added recently. Another new feature called \"originality reports\" is essentially a plagiarism-checking tool that checks a student's Google Document against webpages and books readily available on the internet. If the feature is turned on, students can run reports before submitting assignments -- teachers can run them after. Teachers may want to use the originality reports feature as an opportunity to teach the importance of citing sources.
KineMaster has a robust feature set wrapped in an easy-to-use interface. Similar to PowerDirector's setup, creators can drag clips, music, sound effects, and more to the timeline layout. The free version of this Chromebook video editor grants access to tons of themes, templates, and free stock.
In order to compete with group video chat services like Zoom, Facebook introduced Messenger Rooms to give people a place to congregate remotely. Create a room and invite your friends, where you can share your screen, play games, or watch videos together. All Watch Together content is available through Facebook Watch, so you can all view video clips, TV shows, and feature length movies from inside the chat. 1e1e36bf2d