I want to gather communities all over the world to inspire each other, but also to do it in a fun and competitive way, because we have no time to loose, so why not compete?
I see a Plogging World Cup in a near future and I hope you will be helpful in this matter by checking in here in this forum, committing yourself to gather forces in your home country, starting to arrange a national plogging championship.
In time there will be national plogging championships held in all parts of the world, but to begin with we will start discussing a way to organize and make rules of our national championships, and then copy our joint experiences into a Plogging World Cup.
I have started the dicussion inside the forum with a suggestion to how a national plogging championship could be organized. Please make your comments and let us make it happen together.

#ploggingworldcup #nationalploggingchampionships #plogging