Core Econ Unit 10 Answers
Here's another example. A high out-commuting woman with a small child working in a rural area is far more likely to prefer commuting to a micropolitan core (code 9) than to a rural tract (code 10), even though commuting to a micropolitan core is less convenient in terms of commute time and distance.
The share of employment in the primary commuting mode varies considerably across the country. For example, in the top map, the share of employment in the primary commuting mode for Code 2 metropolitan cores is nearly 11 percent, compared with less than 2 percent for Code 9 micropolitan cores. In contrast, the share of employment in the primary commuting mode for Code 3 rural areas is nearly 35 percent, compared with less than 2 percent for Code 10 rural areas.
Here's an example. An individual working in a small town has three viable options: to commute to an urban core, to commute to a micropolitan core, or to commute to a rural tract. The individual living in a small town is more likely to prefer commuting to a rural tract; the individual living in an urban core is more likely to prefer commuting to a micropolitan core. However, the small town individual is much more likely to prefer commuting to a small town core, while the urban individual is much more likely to prefer commuting to a metropolitan core.
In addition to commute mode and commute distance, we also present data on the share of employment in the primary commuting mode. (For example, both the Code 10 rural area and the Code 9 micropolitan area share the same primary commuting mode, but the former has a higher share of employment in the primary commuting mode than the latter.)
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